Building Relationships

When Selma Levi, children’s librarian at Enoch Pratt Central Library, e-mailed me last June about joining forces to celebrate Maurice Sendak’s 50th anniversary of Where the Wild Things Are, I had no idea what would come of it. Typically, these types of things blow in the wind once people get busy with their lives. Selma and … Read more

Traveling Art & Material Girls

Wow, it’s been a minute since I’ve blogged, but I’ve been busy, busy, busy. WHITE WATER debuts in 3 days! I’ve been working on a promotional material for that, including a shiny new trailer for my youtube channel (coming soon) ;-). School starts in a week and I’ve been obsessing over my syllabi, meeting people … Read more

Living the Dream – the exhibition

One more thing got scratched from my “to do” list yesterday. I hung my show, “Living the Dream, the art of Shadra Strickland” at the Auburn Avenue Research Library. A HUGE “thank you” goes out to Dorothea S., Morris G., and Morgan G. for helping with the hanging and lending me their eyes and opinions. … Read more

Ashley Bryan Honors and NBAF

Ashley Bryan @ Library Lions 2008 I’m a little slow…. After receiving an e-mail last month about speaking with Ashley Bryan at the Auburn Avenue Research Library it wasn’t until I spoke with my friend, Jan Burkins ( this morning that I realized I am being honored next year by Ashley Bryan in collaboration with … Read more

Decatur Arts Festival

This weekend I will be participating in the Decatur Arts Festival Artwalk. The 3rd Annual Children’s Book Illustrator’s Show hosted by Little Shop of Stories and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Southern Breeze region during ArtWalk Opening Night for the Decatur Arts Festival. Friday, May 28, 2009, 5 to 9 PM at … Read more