Bringing Bookmaking to Baltimore!

I believe in making connections and using my resources and talents in whatever way that I can to help others. Teaching has been a direct reflection of that. Having been raised by raised by a teacher, watching one of my uncles serve his community as a social worker, and having an aunt who has been committed to … Read more

Louise and Liz!

Head on over to Elizabeth O. Dulemba’s blog to hear more about Louise and win a free copy of the book! For those of you who don’t know, Elizabeth O. Dulemba is an author and illustrator of picture books and most recently, a novel! She is Illustrator Coordinator for the Southern Breeze region (AL, GA, FL panhandle) of the SCBWI – the … Read more

Louise Updates

Drum roll please……. Ms. Toni Morrison will be sending me three signed copies of the book. One for me, and two for you lucky contest winners. Soooooo, get those entries in to win a rare signed copy of PLEASE, LOUISE hot off the press! You may leave your library story here. Big news came in … Read more