The Fab Four at Third in the Burg~

This weekend I hung out in Harrisburg with Jonathan Bean, Taeeun Yoo, and Lauren Castillo for 3rd in the Burg. The third Friday of every month, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, artists open their doors and invite the community into their studios to learn about their work and process. During that time Jonathan Bean hosts an art show … Read more

Rollin’ with the homies

Last week was senior portfolio week at MICA. By a strange stroke of luck, four of my SVA homies all ended up at MICA to participate. Though we didn’t get to see each other at once, it was great getting hugs and catching up with everyone in small groups. Taeeun, Lauren (MICA graduate), and Nora … Read more

They say it’s your birthday!!!

Let’s raise our brushes and send a shout out to Lauren Castillo, yes, THE Lauren Castillo, illustrator of books like WHAT HAPPENS ON WEDNESDAYS, BUFFALO MUSIC, THAT’S PAPA’S WAY, BIG CAT PEPPER and THE PIG AND MS. PRUDENCE.  Stop on over at her blog and wish her a happy sweet sixteen!