This weekend I hung out in Harrisburg with Jonathan Bean, Taeeun Yoo, and Lauren Castillo for 3rd in the Burg. The third Friday of every month, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, artists open their doors and invite the community into their studios to learn about their work and process.

During that time Jonathan Bean hosts an art show in “The Steps Shown”, his charming stairwell gallery. Jonathan shows sketches, dummies, and final work of children’s book illustrators, the work that is usually never seen by the general public.

On Saturday morning we walked a few steps down the street to listen to Taeeun read and sign her books at The Midtown Scholar’s Children’s Section. The fab four hasn’t been together all in one place in quite some time. It was a historic reunion for us all. 🙂

To see a wonderful video of Taeeun reading from her latest book, YOU ARE A LION, head here.