Spring Making

We’re slowly awakening from our long winter slumber. This time of year is always especially motivating for me and I’m sure it is for most creative people. Here are a few classes over at Craftsy that might help fertilize those ambitions! Enjoy! The Art of the Picture Book Sketchbooks: Drawing the Everydayfrom: Craftsy Drawing Essentials: … Read more

Guilty Pleasures

Don’t you love that moment when you sit down to work and procrastination that you scheduled two days prior and had forgotten about comes calling and you feign disappointment thinking to yourself, “Dang, I was just getting into a groove.”, while a sinister smile crawls across your lips?

Clearing a path

This weekend I had a wonderful visit from the lovely, Zetta Elliott. I am so lucky to have crossed paths with some pretty phenomenal creative people over the years. Zetta holds a very special place in my heart because she is the author of Bird, but also because I am learning and questioning something every second in … Read more

My brain on art

Tomorrow I will be working with researcher Charles Limb in his research on creative improvisation. Me and a few of my MICA illustration colleagues were invited last week to come to Johns Hopkins and draw while having our brains scanned. Ummmm, yes, please! It’s my Sheldon Cooper dream come true. Mr. Limb gave a TedTalk … Read more