Kirkus gives BIRD….

a starred review! My editor sent me a glowing review last week from KIRKUS only to find out a bit later that it was actually a starred review! We all did a little dance. Yay. This is what KIRKUS said: Elliott, Zetta (Starred) BIRD Illus. by Shadra Strickland Nicknamed Bird at birth, Mehkai idolizes his … Read more

BIRD on facebook

It’s almost time! I received my first copy of BIRD in the mail last week. I can hardly believe it’s a real book. The cover and book design was beautifully done by Susan and David Neuhaus at Neustudio. To join in our excitement and book happenings you can join Bird’s facebook page, and of course, … Read more

Bridal Shower Drawing

Here is the invitation I made for my best friend’s bridal shower. I originally thought it would be horizontal, but I changed my mind. Here is the original drawing. Here is the final invitation… (I blurred out some of the contact info for privacy).

The New Yorker

Today’s issue of The New Yorker features an illustration by Barry Blitt of Barack and Michelle Obama standing in the oval office. Obama dressed as a Muslim and Michelle as a terrorist and/or black panther depending on where you’re coming from. What do people think? Offensive? This is what yahoo news says: This illustration provided … Read more

ALA for a Day

I’m back from my whirlwind ALA visit. I arrived in Anaheim on Monday evening. Firstly, there was a great view of Disneyland from my hotel window. I caught a quick glimpse of the fireworks show on my way back from dinner. On Sunday morning I moseyed on over to the convention center and roamed the … Read more